Privacy Policy for HeartBond

Data Privacy and User Consent

The app adheres to Apple's privacy guidelines and obtains explicit user consent before accessing or sharing health data. The usage and handling of data are transparent to users.

HealthKit Integration

If health data is accessed on iOS, Apple's HealthKit framework is used, ensuring secure management of health information.

iCloud Sync

iCloud guidelines are strictly followed, using iCloud only for user-generated content or content that the user explicitly chooses to sync across devices.


Health data is handled with the appropriate security measures, including encryption during transmission between devices.

Compliance with App Store Review Guidelines

All relevant sections of the App Store Review Guidelines, including those related to health, privacy, safety, and functionality, are adhered to.

Medical Disclaimer

If the app is used for health or wellness purposes, it includes an appropriate medical disclaimer, stating that the app is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

Regional Considerations

Compliance with specific regional regulations regarding health data is ensured, with consideration of health data laws in the territories where the app is available.